2024-05-03 | 星期五


在售8,234辆 已售133,641辆

现代 Hyundai 2013款 Elantra GT SE w/Tech Pkg Nav Leathe...

库存号 # UC2074B

$14,995 + HST and Licensing

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品牌: Hyundai
车系: Elantra
出厂年份: 2013
变速箱: Automatic
车型: Sedan
燃油类型: Gas
车门数: 4
市内油耗: City7.8
高速油耗: Hwy5.3
车身颜色: Black


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Coupe和五门舱联合轿车阵容。2013款现代Elantra是市场上最好的紧凑型车型之一,继续成为引人注目的造型,性能表现和内饰舒适性的完美结合。2013年,还有更多款型的爱车。 2013年伊兰特双门跑车和2013年伊兰特GT五门掀背车加入了伊兰特四门轿车。独特的造型线索和驾驶特点,伊兰特轿跑车和伊兰特GT定位为运动替代传统轿车。伊兰特轿跑车是有趣而实用的,适合伊兰特轿车和更加爱好者的Genesis Coupe。Elantra GT取代了旧的Elantra Touring车型。GT提供了多功能性和充足的货物空间,配备欧洲风格的功能和造型。除了尺寸和造型上的差异,新款伊兰特Coupe和GT採用了独特的悬架部件,使驾驶变得更加坚固。V型后悬架代替了轿车上的扭力梁,轿跑车和GT更加坚固,更加种植的感觉,并有助于减少车身翻滚角落。不同型号之间的标准调整与标准的16英寸和可选的17英寸车轮,较大的车轮接受更加运动的治疗。GT提供了三种可选择的转向模式,根据偏好提供较轻或较轻的转向感。同时,2013款现代伊兰特轿车的车型和定价也略有调整。虽然2013款Elantra GLS车型在2012年起价超过1000美元,它获得了更多的标准功能,包括空调,伸缩式方向盘,巡航控制和16英寸(而不是15英寸)的车轮。在配备自动变速器的GLS车型中,加热前排座椅包含在可选的首选包装中。我们发现所有的伊兰特变种都令人愉快地驾驶。轿车的顺畅的驾驶和响应性的处理使得豪华而不麻木的驾驶体验。Coupe和GT车型感觉m矿石连接到道路上,而不牺牲旅途的舒适性。从内部来看,伊兰特轿车四周都很宽敞,特别是紧凑的标准,内饰尺寸可以与中型轿车相媲美。然而,轿跑和GT却遭受由于车顶陡峭的倾斜缺乏后部空间。所有伊兰特都提供了顶级的货舱。所有车型都配备了一个额定功率为148马力的1.8升四缸发动机和131磅 - 英尺的扭矩可选6速手动或6速自动变速箱。与大多数紧凑型车型一样,伊兰特也是前轮驱动。在发动机部件上使用铝和塑料等较轻的材料有助于保持Elantra家族的轻量化,大约2700磅双门轿跑车和一点点的GT。轿车重约2900磅,这是一个紧凑型轿车的好。这些较低的整备重量帮助伊兰特实现稳定的性能和出色的燃油经济性。所有Elantra变种的环保评级是一些Ť他在行业中最具竞争力。赛德斯公路赛的速度为28/38英里/公里,手动变速器和自动变速器的速度都有所提高。比福特福克斯(26/36英里),雪佛兰科鲁兹(26/36英里)或者本田思域(28/36英里)。Elantra轿跑车的EPA评级为29/40 mpg与手动和28/39 mpg的城市/高速公路与自动。Elantra GT获得27/39 mpg与手册和28/39 mpg伊兰特四门轿车在丰田卡罗拉,福特福克斯,雪佛兰科鲁兹,本田思域和马自达3轿车的紧凑型轿车竞争中脱颖而出。伊兰特轿跑车採用了本田思域轿跑车和起亚Forte Koup与更大,更昂贵的双门,如本田雅阁。五门伊兰特GT上涨对马自达3,福特福克斯和丰田矩阵,以及斯巴鲁翼豹孵化和大众高尔夫等流行的掀背车。2013年现代伊兰特有三种车身风格:伊兰特轿车四门轿车,伊兰特轿跑车双门轿车和伊兰特GT五门轿车或两厢车。所有车型均採用相同的1.8升四缸发动机,可选配6速手动变速箱或6速自动变速箱。全座椅五。伊兰特GLS轿车(16,695美元)标配6速手动变速箱,布艺室内装潢,六向手动驾驶座椅,手动空调,巡航控制,倾斜伸缩式方向盘,带CD播放器的六扬声器音响系统,卫星收音机功能和iPod / USB端口; 60/40分折可折叠后座,电动车窗,锁和加热后视镜,倾斜方向盘,无钥匙进入,防盗系统,旅行电脑和16英寸钢轮。自动变速器($ 1,000)是可选的。套装(750美元)适用于搭载6速自动变速器的GLS车型,包括加热的前排座椅,车门饰板上的布料插入物,方向盘安装的音响控制装置,滑动中央扶手,带语音识别功能的蓝牙免提电话系统,额外的室内照明,雾灯和铝合金轮毂。伊兰特限量版轿车($ 20,945)仅配备自动变速箱,包括真皮座椅,加热的前后排座椅,真皮包裹的车轮和换档把手,空调,小型客舱升级,动力天窗,雾灯,镜像嵌入式转向灯,黑色镀铬格栅和17英寸铝合金轮毂。有限技术包(2350美元)增加了按钮启动,双自动气候控制,导航7英寸s伊兰特轿跑GS(17,445美元)包括加热前排座椅,空调,电源配件,倾斜和伸缩式方向盘,巡航控制,方向盘安装的控制装置,滑动中央扶手,60/40折叠式后排座椅,带CD播放器的6扬声器音响系统,卫星收音机功能,辅助插孔和iPod / USB端口;雾灯和16英寸的合金轮毂。自动变速器是可选的($ 1,000).Elantra双门跑车SE(19,745美元)增加了皮革内饰,皮革包裹的方向盘和换档旋钮,一个接触驾驶员的窗户,铝製踏板,自动变速器是可选的(1000美元)。伊兰特轿跑车SE也可以配备技术包装(23,095美元),其中包括自动变速器和SE配件上的所有东西,包括双自动气候控制,7英寸屏幕导航,升级的360瓦音频系统,后视摄像头和自动头灯.Elantra GT五门(18,395美元)标配手动变速箱,空调,倾斜伸缩式方向盘,加热前排座椅,冷却手套箱,电源配件,巡航控制系统,方向盘安装式控制系统,60/40分体折叠式后排座椅,蓝牙h无绳电话连接,带CD播放器的6扬声器音频系统,卫星收音机功能,辅助插孔和iPod / USB端口;现代的Blue Link远程信息处理系统,前雾灯,后窗雨刮器,后扰流板,引擎罩绝缘体和16英寸合金轮毂。配备风格包(21,145美元)的伊兰特GT车型配备皮革内饰,皮革包裹的方向盘和换档把手,带有动力腰部的电动驾驶座椅,铝製踏板,驾驶员侧自动窗,全景天窗,运动调谐悬架,带有集成转向灯的侧视镜以及17英寸合金轮圈。配备Tech Package的Elantra GT(23,495美元)包括导航,双自动气候控制,按钮启动,后视摄像头和自动头灯。自动变速箱是可选的($ 1,000)。所有车型的安全功能包括前,前,侧帘式安全气囊,电子稳定控制车辆稳定控制系统,防抱死制动系统,制动辅助系统和牵引力控制系统.GT车型配备了标准的驾驶员膝部安全气囊。可选的后视摄像头通过帮助驾驶员发现儿童安全现代伊兰特轿车显得惊人,前卫风格引人注目。它在四门紧凑型轿车中佔有一席之地。班上其他大多数人看起来都比较陈旧。从正面看,六角形格栅呈现出比马自达3更险恶的笑容。大灯外壳包裹到挡泥板,后缘尽头前轮的中心线。这是在你的脸上造型,就通勤契约go.In侧视图,四门回音现代索纳塔中型轿车的造型,倾斜的挡风玻璃,车顶流入后备箱,双门轿车般的后窗形状,前倾的形状。前轮,通过车门把手和尾灯后部的尾灯,反映出英国老式Triumph TR7跑车的造型。从后方看,伊兰特轿车与大型索纳塔非常相似,在远处或没有任何东西对于规模,你必须精通你的现代来区别。尾灯是长而波浪式的环绕式灯具,迴声曲线,引导到后保险槓,促进气流,帮助保持灯光清洁;在一个肮髒的路面上,牌照应该是第一部分被淹没在废物中。伊兰特轿跑车有一个更光滑,更笨重的形状,没有侵害太多的创世纪跑车领土。在前面,宽口六角格栅框架更多的席捲而侧视图显示了更多角度的A柱和C柱。由于轿跑车的尺寸依然很大,其门非常长,在进出紧急停车场时最为明显。在后面,整体式尾翼,环绕式尾灯和双排镀铬尾气凸显运动风格。两厢伊兰特GT的设计始于加利福尼亚州,然后在欧洲最大的市场欧洲工作室完成。五门舱盖稍微友好一点标志性现代六角形格栅的一个大黑色插入向上转变成一个微笑的微笑.GT的总长度比轿车短九英寸,也比它所替代的有限模型短几英寸但它丝毫不显得小巧。虽然Elantra GT仍然是一个小巧的舱门,但其线条和比例却与更大,更豪华的交叉线相似。它也採用了流线形状,如环绕头部和尾灯这清楚地表明了GT是伊兰特家族的一部分。现代伊兰特的内饰并不像成本高的契约,而是将风格与有趣的材料结合在一起。例如,顶篷採用溷合材料,包括火山岩有趣的效果比模煳的纸板或塑料更有吸引力。我们认为好的内饰是伊兰特所提供的价值主张的一部分。它既没有便宜也没有奢华的假象。轿车拥有大量的客流量,我们的6英尺3英寸的测试假人都很合适,即使有天窗,也没有座椅一直回来。前座椅被证明舒适了几个小时,有一个体面的范围的可调性。后座椅也C舒适,中间地板几乎平坦,坐垫稍微高一点。在轿跑车和GT车型上,几乎任何尺寸的驾驶员和前排乘客都会感到舒适,但是陡峭的倾斜车顶线大大减少了车内空间后座。因此,高于5英尺,7英寸的后座乘客很可能会发现他们的头顶摩擦着火山喷射的顶篷。轿车和GT版本提供良好的外部能见度,儘管宽D柱,这是这是新的安全规定的功能。但是,由于其后窗大幅倾斜,轿跑车的后方视野显着降低。所有Elantras的组合仪表和中央堆叠设计都乾淨简单。中央显示屏(带有标准音频系统,以及7英寸带导航的触摸屏)的两个版本都易于阅读,在明亮的阳光下。两个用户界面都是非常直观的,除了一些功能似乎需要更多的步骤,如改变音频系统的EQ。在手动空调的基本型号,我们发现最低的风扇设置有点太多风。我们更喜欢双区域自动气候控制提供更广泛的可调性。伊兰特的所有变种吹嘘内部存储,是充足和方便located.Door口袋是实用的,但不海绵,杯托将携带一切大口饮水器和电子插头并不在旁边等待填充溢出的咖啡或可乐的杯架旁边的那些谁喜欢保持他们的iPod和手机隐藏将像轿跑车的盖子而GT的开放式控制台空间则提供了快速通道。儘管所有Elantras上的许多表面都使用了塑料,但其吸引力和执行力都很强。我们惊喜地发现中央AC通风口是彩色的与周围的装饰相匹配,在更昂贵的汽车上并不总是这种情况。皮质装饰的皮革如此装备有点令人失望,比黄油更类似于乙烯。在一些地区,缝合似乎不断地稍微弯曲在座垫上的某些地方。然而,你很难在其他车上找到真正的牛皮来代替价格。轿车和轿跑车的车厢空间比起Civic或起亚Forte大约高15立方英尺,但是很害羞的雪佛兰科鲁兹和马自达3.The两个车的后备箱开口不是很大,但足够的60/40折叠后座增加容量,虽然他们没有完全平坦的折叠。伊兰特GT的舱口形状允许一个宽敞的23立方 - 树干sp王牌,与最大51立方体与座位折叠下来。这是比福特福克斯和马自达3的五门版本,但短短一个立方英尺短的斯巴鲁翼豹。其稳定性和驾驶动态使现代伊兰特感觉与同类产品完全竞争。所有车型都使用1.8升四缸发动机,在6500转时输出148马力,在4700转时输出131磅 - 英尺的扭矩(这是为了适应普通的ULEV或超低排放在PZEV状态下,它的转速为63马力时为145马力)。与现在大部分车型一样,燃油经济性是重中之重,伊兰特阵容中的车辆没有太多的表现。这款发动机必须加速以获得最大的利益,这是相当高兴和不显眼的做法。峰值功率是在6500转,虽然似乎没有超过6300点提取最大性能。六速手册易于移动,但isn 6速自动装置也是一样的好,根据需要保持齿轮然而,我们发现,在要求苛刻的道路上,变速箱通常以比我们想要的更高的档位,促使我们将换档杆滑动到手动模式以找到足够的推力。对于GT和Coupe车型配备更大的车轮和运动调谐的悬架,我们希望看到添加方向盘安装的换挡拨片。电动辅助转向指向你想要去的车,只需要很少的努力,合理的反馈和U形转弯小于35英尺。在GT车型上,可选择的转向特徵允许驾驶者在普通,舒适和运动之间进行选择。在舒适模式下,转向在较高的速度下感觉较轻但是不会有太大的差别。在运动模式下,转向变得越来越重,而在曲折的道路上行驶英里时,它几乎太重了。就像金发姑娘一样,我们对于任何设置都没有完全满意,并希望有一种在“正常”和“运动”之间的感觉。另外,我们发现它奇怪的是, e运动模式只修改转向感;我们渴望一个真正的运动模式,将转向调整与增强的油门响应和换档模式相结合。所有车型都採用标准刹车系统,并且能够减缓1.8升发动机的运转速度.Brakes觉得但是需要高速公路上的稳定的脚踏板。电子稳定控制系统和防抱死刹车系统都是标准配置,转向助力系统也是标准配置。如果是滑动系统,后者将不会为您提供指导。帮助你走向正确的方向。伊兰特的结构非常坚硬,使车辆感觉牢固,紧凑,无吱声。轿车上的悬挂更多地是为了乘坐舒适性而不是彻头彻尾的速度,但它仍然在曲折的道路上做了值得称道的工作,沿着高速公路滑行。四门在转弯时表现出一定的倾斜度,但仍保持控制,使得驾驶员意识到车辆正在接近极限。伊兰特Coupe和GT採用后V型悬架,而不是在轿车上发现扭力梁。这使得底盘更加坚固,与四门版本相比减少了车身侧倾(倾斜)。两门和五门车型配备了更大的17英寸轮子被调整为更加运动的感觉。虽然它有点坚固,但它也不会让你的牙齿喋喋不休。但是,那些喜欢轻鬆坐骑的人可能希望坚持传统的四门。在另一端对于那些寻找双门跑车的爱好者来说,Genesis Coupe可能会更加撩人,而那些想要功能实用且紧凑的实用车型的人可能会喜欢新款的Veloster Turbo.EPA。Elantra轿车的燃油经济性评级是28 / 38 mpg。在我们的试驾中,车载电脑在不同的交通和地形上表现出最好的40.3 mpg和最差的30.9 mpg。模型的EPA评级为28/38 mpg,手动和27 / 37英里的自动。伊兰特GT的评分为27/37英里每秒e手动和26/37 mpg与自动。现代伊兰特是紧凑类中最好的之一,具有时尚的外观设计,充足的标准内饰功能和出色的燃油经济性。除了运动型轿跑车和宽敞的GT模型,使伊兰特阵容更令人嚮往。新车试驾记者GRWhale,米奇·麦卡洛和劳拉·伯斯坦为这一报导做出了贡献。现代伊兰特轿车GLS(16,695美元);有限三厢车(20,945元); Elantra Coupe GS(17,445美元); Coupe SE($ 19,745);伊兰特GT($ 18,395)。阿拉巴马州蒙哥马利;韩国蔚山地毯地垫($ 95); iPod电缆(35美元)。现代伊兰特GLS。

Coupe and five-door hatch join sedan lineup.One of the best compact cars on the market, the 2013 Hyundai Elantra continues to be a winning combination of compelling styling, able performance and interior comfort.For 2013, there are more variants to love.The 2013 Elantra Coupe two-door and 2013 Elantra GT five-door hatchback join the Elantra sedan four-door.With unique styling cues and driving characteristics, the Elantra Coupe and Elantra GT are positioned as sporty alternatives to the traditional sedan.The Elantra Coupe is fun yet practical, and fits between the Elantra sedan and the more enthusiast-oriented Genesis Coupe.The Elantra GT replaces the old Elantra Touring model.The GT offers versatility and plenty of cargo space with European-inspired features and styling.In addition to differences in dimensions and styling, the new Elantra Coupe and GT use unique suspension components for a stiffer ride.A V-beam rear suspension, instead of the torsion beam found on the sedan, gives the coupe and GT a firmer, more planted feel, and helps to reduce body roll around corners.Suspensions are tuned differently between models with standard 16-inch and optional 17-inch wheels, with the larger wheels receiving an even sportier treatment.The GT also offers three selectable steering modes, which offer heavier or lighter steering feel depending on preference.Meanwhile, trims and pricing have been restructured slightly for the 2013 Hyundai Elantra sedan.Although the base 2013 Elantra GLS model starts at more than $1,000 over the 2012 model, it gets more standard features including air conditioning, a telescoping steering wheel, cruise control, and 16-inch (instead of 15-inch) wheels.On GLS models equipped with the automatic transmission, heated front seats are included with the optional Preferred Package.We found all Elantra variants enjoyable to drive.The sedan's smooth ride and responsive handling make for a plush, but not numb, driving experience.The Coupe and GT models feel more connected to the road, without sacrificing road-trip comfort.Inside, the Elantra sedan is roomy all around, especially by compact standards, with interior measurements comparable to those of a small midsize car.The coupe and GT, however, suffer from a lack of rear headroom due to the steeper rake of their rooflines.All Elantras offer top-of-the-class cargo space.All models are powered by a 1.8-liter four-cylinder engine rated at 148 horsepower and 131 pound-feet of torque with a choice of 6-speed manual or 6-speed automatic transmission.Like most compacts, Elantra is front-wheel drive.Using lighter materials such as aluminum and plastic on engine parts helps to keep the Elantra family relatively lightweight, around 2,700 pound for the Coupe and a bit more for the GT.The sedan weighs in at around 2,900 pounds, which is good for a compact sedan.These lower curb weights help Elantra achieve solid performance and excellent fuel economy.EPA ratings for all Elantra variants are some of the most competitive in the industry.Sedans are rated at 28/38 mpg City/Highway with both manual and automatic transmissions.That's better than the Ford Focus (26/36 mpg), Chevrolet Cruze (26/36 mpg), or Honda Civic (28/36 mpg).The Elantra Coupe is EPA-rated at 29/40 mpg with the manual and 28/39 mpg City/Highway with the automatic.The Elantra GT gets 27/39 mpg with the manual and 28/39 mpg with the automatic.The Elantra four-door competes in the crowded compact sedan segment against the Toyota Corolla, Ford Focus, Chevrolet Cruze, Honda Civic, and Mazda3 sedans.The Elantra Coupe takes on the Honda Civic coupe and the Kia Forte Koup, along with larger, more expensive two-doors such as the Honda Accord.The five-door Elantra GT goes up against popular hatchbacks such as the Mazda3, Ford Focus and Toyota Matrix, as well as the Subaru Impreza hatch and Volkswagen Golf.The 2013 Hyundai Elantra comes in three body styles: Elantra sedan four-door, Elantra Coupe two-door, and Elantra GT five-door hatchback.All are powered by the same 1.8-liter four-cylinder engine with a choice of 6-speed manual or 6-speed automatic transmission.All seat five.Elantra GLS sedan ($16,695) comes standard with the 6-speed manual transmission, cloth upholstery, six-way manual driver's seat, manually operated air conditioning, cruise control, a tilt-and-telescoping steering wheel, six-speaker audio system with CD player, satellite radio capability and iPod/USB port; 60/40-split folding rear seat, power windows, locks and heated mirrors, tilt steering wheel, keyless entry, anti-theft system, trip computer, and 16-inch steel wheels.The automatic transmission ($1,000) is optional.A Preferred Package ($750) is available on GLS models equipped with the 6-speed automatic transmission that includes heated front seats, cloth inserts on the door trim, steering wheel-mounted audio controls, sliding center armrest, Bluetooth hands-free phone system with voice recognition, additional interior lighting, fog lights and alloy wheels.Elantra Limited sedan ($20,945) comes only with the automatic transmission and includes leather upholstery, heated front and rear seats, leather-wrapped wheel and shift knob, air conditioning, minor cabin upgrades, power sunroof, fog lights, mirror-imbedded turn signals, black chrome grille, and 17-inch alloy wheels.The Limited Technology Package ($2,350) adds pushbutton start, dual automatic climate control, navigation with 7-inch screen, rearview camera, 360-watt premium audio system and automatic headlights.Elantra Coupe GS ($17,445) includes heated front seats, air conditioning, power accessories, a tilt-and-telescoping steering wheel, cruise control, steering-wheel mounted controls, sliding center arm rest, 60/40 split folding rear seats, a 6-speaker audio system with CD player, satellite radio capability, auxiliary jack and an iPod/USB port; fog lights and 16-inch alloy wheels.The automatic transmission is optional ($1,000).Elantra Coupe SE ($19,745) adds leather upholstery, a leather-wrapped steering wheel and shift knob, a one-touch-up driver's window, aluminum pedals, sport-tuned suspension, power sunroof, a hood insulator, side mirrors with integrated turn signals, a rear spoiler and 17-inch alloy wheels.The automatic transmission is optional ($1,000).The Elantra Coupe SE can also be equipped with the Technology Package ($23,095) which includes the automatic transmission and everything found on the SE trim plus dual automatic climate control, navigation with 7-inch screen, upgraded 360-watt audio system, rearview camera and automatic headlights.Elantra GT five-door ($18,395) comes standard with manual gearbox, air conditioning, tilt-and-telescoping steering wheel, heated front seats, cooled glove compartment, power accessories, cruise control, steering-wheel-mounted controls, 60/40 split folding rear seats, Bluetooth handsfree phone connectivity, a 6-speaker audio system with CD player, satellite radio capability, auxiliary jack and iPod/USB port; Hyundai's Blue Link telematics system, front fog lights, rear window wiper, rear spoiler, hood insulator and 16-inch alloy wheels.Elantra GT models equipped with the Style Package ($21,145) get leather upholstery, a leather-wrapped steering wheel and shift knob, a power driver's seat with power lumbar, aluminum pedals, a driver's side auto-up window, panoramic sunroof, sport-tuned suspension, side mirrors with integrated turn signals and 17-inch alloy wheels.The Elantra GT with the Tech Package ($23,495) includes navigation, dual automatic climate control, pushbutton start, a rearview camera and automatic headlights.The automatic transmission is optional ($1,000).Safety features on all models include front, front-side and side-curtain airbags, and electronic stability control with Vehicle Stability Control, antilock brakes, brake assist, and traction control.GT models get a standard driver's knee airbag.The optional rearview camera improves safety by helping the driver spot children and pedestrians when backing up.The Hyundai Elantra sedan looks striking with crisp, edgy styling.It has presence among four-door compact sedans.Most of the rest of the class looks dated by comparison.Viewed from the front, the hexagonal grille presents a more sinister grin than that of the Mazda 3.The headlight housings wrap into the fenders, the trailing edge back as far as the centerline of the front wheels.This is in-your-face styling as far as commuter compacts go.In side view, the four-door echoes the styling of the Hyundai Sonata midsize sedan, with a raked windshield, roofline flowing into the trunk, coupe-like rear side window shape, and a forward-leaning shape.The crease that runs a rising arc from the front wheel, through the door handles and over the rear-wheel openings into the taillights mirrors the shape of the old British-built Triumph TR7 sports cars.From the rear, the Elantra sedan is very similar to the larger Sonata, so much so that in the distance or without anything for scale you have to be well-versed on your Hyundais to tell the difference.The tail lights are long, wavy wraparound fixtures echoing the curves that lead in to the rear bumper and promote airflow to help keep the lights clean; on a dirty road surface the license plate should be the first part shrouded in muck.The Elantra Coupe has a sleeker, wedgier shape, without infringing too much on Genesis Coupe territory.In front, the wide-mouth hexagonal grille is framed by more swept-back headlamps, while the side view reveals more angular A- and C-pillars.Because the coupe is still decently sized, its doors are awfully long, which is most noticeable when getting in and out in tight parking quarters.In back, the integrated spoiler, wraparound taillights and dual chrome exhaust tips accentuate the sportier character.The hatchback Elantra GT design began in California, then was finished off in the studios of Europe, its biggest market.The five-door hatch has a slightly friendlier look, with a large black insert across the signature Hyundai hexagonal grille turned upward into a faint smile.The overall length of the GT is nine inches shorter than the sedan, and also several inches shorter than the Limited model it replaces.But it doesn't by any means look diminutive.Although still a compact hatch, the lines and proportions of the Elantra GT resemble those of larger, more luxurious crossovers.It, too, uses fluid shapes such as wraparound head- and taillights that make it clear the GT is part of the Elantra family.Hyundai Elantra's interior doesn't resemble that of cost-cutter compacts, instead marrying style with interesting materials.For example, the headliner employs a mix of material that includes volcanic rock to an interesting effect more attractive than fuzzy cardboard or plastic.We think the nice interior is part of the value proposition offered by the Elantra.It has neither hint of cheapness nor pretense of luxury.The sedan has a lot of passenger volume, and particularly roomy up front.Both of our 6-foot, 3-inch test dummies fit fine, even with a sunroof, and neither had the seat all the way back.Front seats proved comfortable for hours with a decent range of adjustability.Rear seats are also comfortable, with a center floor that's nearly flat and a well-padded center seat that sits slightly higher.On the coupe and GT models, drivers and front passengers of just about any size will be comfortable, but a steeply raked roofline significantly reduces headroom in the rear.As such, backseat passengers taller than 5 feet, 7 inches will most likely find the tops of their heads rubbing against the volcanic-infused headliner.The sedan and GT versions offer good outward visibility, despite wide D-pillars, which are a function of new safety regulations.However, rear visibility on the coupe is significantly reduced due to its radically sloped rear window. The instrument cluster and center stack design on all Elantras are clean and simple.Both versions of the center display (the one that comes with with the standard audio system, as well as the 7-inch touchscreen with navigation) are easy to read, even in bright sunlight.Both user interfaces are mostly intuitive, save a few functions that seem to take more steps than necessary, such as changing the EQ on the audio system.On base models with the manually operated air conditioning, we found the lowest fan setting a bit too windy.We prefer the wider range of adjustability offered by the dual-zone automatic climate control.All variants of the Elantra boast interior storage that is ample and conveniently located.Door pockets are practical but not cavernous, cupholders will carry everything except Big Gulps, and electronics plugs aren't right next to the cup holders waiting to fill with spilled coffee or cola.Those who prefer to keep their iPods and phones concealed will like the coupe's covered storage area aft of the shifter, while the GT's open console space offers quick access.Although plastic is used on many surfaces on all Elantras, it is mostly attractive and well-executed.We were pleasantly surprised to find the center AC vents were color-matched to the surrounding trim, which not always the case on even more expensive cars.Leather upholstery on models so equipped was a bit disappointing and was more akin to vinyl than butter.In some areas, stitching appeared to buckle ever-so-slightly in certain places on seat cushions.Still, you'd be hard-pressed to find real cowhide on other cars for the price.Trunk space in the sedan and coupe measures nearly 15 cubic feet, more than the Civic or Kia Forte, but shy of the Chevrolet Cruze and Mazda3.The trunk opening on both cars is not huge but sufficient, with 60/40 folding rear seats that increase capacity, although they do not fold completely flat.The Elantra GT's hatch shape gives allows for a roomy 23 cubic-feet of trunk space, with a max 51 cubes with the seats folded down.That's more than the five-door versions of the Ford Focus and Mazda3, but falls just short one cubic foot short of the Subaru Impreza.Its solidity and driving dynamics make the Hyundai Elantra feel fully competitive with anything in its class.All models use a 1.8-liter, four-cylinder engine that makes 148 horsepower at 6500 rpm and 131 pound-feet of torque at 4700 rpm.(That's for the regular ULEV, or Ultra Low Emissions Vehicle.It's 145 hp at 6300 rpm in PZEV states).Like most cars these days that make fuel economy a top priority, the vehicles in the Elantra lineup don't have a lot of oomph right off the line.This engine must be revved to get the most out of it, and it's fairly happy and unobtrusive doing so.Peak power is at 6500 rpm, though there seemed no point in going beyond 6300 to extract maximum performance.The 6-speed manual is easy to shift, yet isn't too slushy.The 6-speed automatic is just as good, holding gears as needed in most driving applications.However, we found that on demanding uphill roads, the transmission often settled on a higher gear than we'd like, prompting us to slide the shifter over to manual mode to find sufficient thrust.For the GT and Coupe models equipped with the larger wheels and sport-tuned suspension, we'd like to see the addition of steering-wheel-mounted paddle shifters.Electric-assist steering points the car where you want to go with minimal effort, reasonable feedback and U-turns in less than 35 feet.On GT models, a selectable steering feature allows drivers to choose between Normal, Comfort and Sport.In Comfort mode, the steering feels lighter at higher speeds but doesn't feel much different otherwise.In Sport mode, steering becomes more weighty, and almost too heavy when logging miles on twisty roads.Like Goldilocks, we weren't fully satisfied with any of the settings, and wished for a feel that was somewhere in between Normal and Sport.In addition, we found it odd that the Sport mode modified steering feel only; we longed for a true sport mode that combined steering adjustments with enhanced throttle response and shift patterns.Disc brakes all the way around come standard on all models and are more than capable of slowing down anything the 1.8-liter engine gets going.Brakes feel a bit grabby at slow speeds, but require a firm, planted foot from highway velocities.Electronic stability control and antilock brakes are standard across the board, as is steering assist.The latter won't steer for you in case of a slide, but will help you steer in the correct direction.The Elantra's structure is very stiff so the car feels solid, tight and squeak free.Suspension on the sedan is tuned more for ride comfort than outright speed, but it still does a commendable job on twisty roads and glides down the highway.The four door exhibits some body lean in hard cornering, but it remains controlled and makes the driver aware the car is working near its limits.The Elantra Coupe and GT use a rear V-beam suspension, as opposed to the torsion beam setup found on the sedan.This makes for a stiffer chassis and reduces body roll (lean) around corners compared to the four-door version.Two-and five-door models equipped with the larger, 17-inch wheels are tuned for an even sportier feel.Although it's a little firm, it won't make your teeth chatter, either.Still, those who like a cushy ride might wish to stick with the traditional four-door.On the other end of the spectrum, enthusiasts looking for a two-door sports car might be more titillated by the Genesis Coupe, while those who want a utilitarian compact that's both practical and peppy might like the new Veloster Turbo.EPA fuel economy ratings on the Elantra sedan are 28/38 mpg with both transmissions.During our test drive, the onboard computer showed a best of 40.3 mpg and a worst of 30.9 mpg in various traffic and terrain.Coupe models are EPA-rated at 28/38 mpg with the manual and 27/37 mpg with the automatic.The Elantra GT is rated 27/37 mpg with the manual and 26/37 mpg with the automatic.The Hyundai Elantra is among the best in the compact class with stylish exterior design, plenty of standard interior features and excellent fuel economy.The addition of a sporty coupe and a roomy GT model make the Elantra lineup even more desirable.New Car Test Drive correspondents G.R.Whale, Mitch McCullough and Laura Burstein contributed to this report.Hyundai Elantra sedan GLS ($16,695); Limited sedan ($20,945); Elantra Coupe GS ($17,445); Coupe SE ($19,745); Elantra GT ($18,395).Montgomery, Alabama; Ulsan, Korea.carpeted floor mats ($95); iPod cable ($35).Hyundai Elantra GLS.

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Coupe和五门舱联合轿车阵容。2013款现代Elantra是市场上最好的紧凑型车型之一,继续成为引人注目的造型,性能表现和内饰舒适性的完美结合。2013年,还有更多款型的爱车。 2013年伊兰特双门跑车和2013年伊兰特GT五门掀背车加入了伊兰特四门轿车。独特的造型线索和驾驶特点,伊兰特轿跑车和伊兰特GT定位为运动替代传统轿车。伊兰特轿跑车是有趣而实用的,适合伊兰特轿车和更加爱好者的Genesis Coupe。Elantra GT取代了旧的Elantra Touring车型。GT提供了多功能性和充足的货物空间,配备欧洲风格的功能和造型。除了尺寸和造型上的差异,新款伊兰特Coupe和GT採用了独特的悬架部件,使驾驶变得更加坚固。V型后悬架代替了轿车上的扭力梁,轿跑车和GT更加坚固,更加种植的感觉,并有助于减少车身翻滚角落。不同型号之间的标准调整与标准的16英寸和可选的17英寸车轮,较大的车轮接受更加运动的治疗。GT提供了三种可选择的转向模式,根据偏好提供较轻或较轻的转向感。同时,2013款现代伊兰特轿车的车型和定价也略有调整。虽然2013款Elantra GLS车型在2012年起价超过1000美元,它获得了更多的标准功能,包括空调,伸缩式方向盘,巡航控制和16英寸(而不是15英寸)的车轮。在配备自动变速器的GLS车型中,加热前排座椅包含在可选的首选包装中。我们发现所有的伊兰特变种都令人愉快地驾驶。轿车的顺畅的驾驶和响应性的处理使得豪华而不麻木的驾驶体验。Coupe和GT车型感觉m矿石连接到道路上,而不牺牲旅途的舒适性。从内部来看,伊兰特轿车四周都很宽敞,特别是紧凑的标准,内饰尺寸可以与中型轿车相媲美。然而,轿跑和GT却遭受由于车顶陡峭的倾斜缺乏后部空间。所有伊兰特都提供了顶级的货舱。所有车型都配备了一个额定功率为148马力的1.8升四缸发动机和131磅 - 英尺的扭矩可选6速手动或6速自动变速箱。与大多数紧凑型车型一样,伊兰特也是前轮驱动。在发动机部件上使用铝和塑料等较轻的材料有助于保持Elantra家族的轻量化,大约2700磅双门轿跑车和一点点的GT。轿车重约2900磅,这是一个紧凑型轿车的好。这些较低的整备重量帮助伊兰特实现稳定的性能和出色的燃油经济性。所有Elantra变种的环保评级是一些Ť他在行业中最具竞争力。赛德斯公路赛的速度为28/38英里/公里,手动变速器和自动变速器的速度都有所提高。比福特福克斯(26/36英里),雪佛兰科鲁兹(26/36英里)或者本田思域(28/36英里)。Elantra轿跑车的EPA评级为29/40 mpg与手动和28/39 mpg的城市/高速公路与自动。Elantra GT获得27/39 mpg与手册和28/39 mpg伊兰特四门轿车在丰田卡罗拉,福特福克斯,雪佛兰科鲁兹,本田思域和马自达3轿车的紧凑型轿车竞争中脱颖而出。伊兰特轿跑车採用了本田思域轿跑车和起亚Forte Koup与更大,更昂贵的双门,如本田雅阁。五门伊兰特GT上涨对马自达3,福特福克斯和丰田矩阵,以及斯巴鲁翼豹孵化和大众高尔夫等流行的掀背车。2013年现代伊兰特有三种车身风格:伊兰特轿车四门轿车,伊兰特轿跑车双门轿车和伊兰特GT五门轿车或两厢车。所有车型均採用相同的1.8升四缸发动机,可选配6速手动变速箱或6速自动变速箱。全座椅五。伊兰特GLS轿车(16,695美元)标配6速手动变速箱,布艺室内装潢,六向手动驾驶座椅,手动空调,巡航控制,倾斜伸缩式方向盘,带CD播放器的六扬声器音响系统,卫星收音机功能和iPod / USB端口; 60/40分折可折叠后座,电动车窗,锁和加热后视镜,倾斜方向盘,无钥匙进入,防盗系统,旅行电脑和16英寸钢轮。自动变速器($ 1,000)是可选的。套装(750美元)适用于搭载6速自动变速器的GLS车型,包括加热的前排座椅,车门饰板上的布料插入物,方向盘安装的音响控制装置,滑动中央扶手,带语音识别功能的蓝牙免提电话系统,额外的室内照明,雾灯和铝合金轮毂。伊兰特限量版轿车($ 20,945)仅配备自动变速箱,包括真皮座椅,加热的前后排座椅,真皮包裹的车轮和换档把手,空调,小型客舱升级,动力天窗,雾灯,镜像嵌入式转向灯,黑色镀铬格栅和17英寸铝合金轮毂。有限技术包(2350美元)增加了按钮启动,双自动气候控制,导航7英寸s伊兰特轿跑GS(17,445美元)包括加热前排座椅,空调,电源配件,倾斜和伸缩式方向盘,巡航控制,方向盘安装的控制装置,滑动中央扶手,60/40折叠式后排座椅,带CD播放器的6扬声器音响系统,卫星收音机功能,辅助插孔和iPod / USB端口;雾灯和16英寸的合金轮毂。自动变速器是可选的($ 1,000).Elantra双门跑车SE(19,745美元)增加了皮革内饰,皮革包裹的方向盘和换档旋钮,一个接触驾驶员的窗户,铝製踏板,自动变速器是可选的(1000美元)。伊兰特轿跑车SE也可以配备技术包装(23,095美元),其中包括自动变速器和SE配件上的所有东西,包括双自动气候控制,7英寸屏幕导航,升级的360瓦音频系统,后视摄像头和自动头灯.Elantra GT五门(18,395美元)标配手动变速箱,空调,倾斜伸缩式方向盘,加热前排座椅,冷却手套箱,电源配件,巡航控制系统,方向盘安装式控制系统,60/40分体折叠式后排座椅,蓝牙h无绳电话连接,带CD播放器的6扬声器音频系统,卫星收音机功能,辅助插孔和iPod / USB端口;现代的Blue Link远程信息处理系统,前雾灯,后窗雨刮器,后扰流板,引擎罩绝缘体和16英寸合金轮毂。配备风格包(21,145美元)的伊兰特GT车型配备皮革内饰,皮革包裹的方向盘和换档把手,带有动力腰部的电动驾驶座椅,铝製踏板,驾驶员侧自动窗,全景天窗,运动调谐悬架,带有集成转向灯的侧视镜以及17英寸合金轮圈。配备Tech Package的Elantra GT(23,495美元)包括导航,双自动气候控制,按钮启动,后视摄像头和自动头灯。自动变速箱是可选的($ 1,000)。所有车型的安全功能包括前,前,侧帘式安全气囊,电子稳定控制车辆稳定控制系统,防抱死制动系统,制动辅助系统和牵引力控制系统.GT车型配备了标准的驾驶员膝部安全气囊。可选的后视摄像头通过帮助驾驶员发现儿童安全现代伊兰特轿车显得惊人,前卫风格引人注目。它在四门紧凑型轿车中佔有一席之地。班上其他大多数人看起来都比较陈旧。从正面看,六角形格栅呈现出比马自达3更险恶的笑容。大灯外壳包裹到挡泥板,后缘尽头前轮的中心线。这是在你的脸上造型,就通勤契约go.In侧视图,四门回音现代索纳塔中型轿车的造型,倾斜的挡风玻璃,车顶流入后备箱,双门轿车般的后窗形状,前倾的形状。前轮,通过车门把手和尾灯后部的尾灯,反映出英国老式Triumph TR7跑车的造型。从后方看,伊兰特轿车与大型索纳塔非常相似,在远处或没有任何东西对于规模,你必须精通你的现代来区别。尾灯是长而波浪式的环绕式灯具,迴声曲线,引导到后保险槓,促进气流,帮助保持灯光清洁;在一个肮髒的路面上,牌照应该是第一部分被淹没在废物中。伊兰特轿跑车有一个更光滑,更笨重的形状,没有侵害太多的创世纪跑车领土。在前面,宽口六角格栅框架更多的席捲而侧视图显示了更多角度的A柱和C柱。由于轿跑车的尺寸依然很大,其门非常长,在进出紧急停车场时最为明显。在后面,整体式尾翼,环绕式尾灯和双排镀铬尾气凸显运动风格。两厢伊兰特GT的设计始于加利福尼亚州,然后在欧洲最大的市场欧洲工作室完成。五门舱盖稍微友好一点标志性现代六角形格栅的一个大黑色插入向上转变成一个微笑的微笑.GT的总长度比轿车短九英寸,也比它所替代的有限模型短几英寸但它丝毫不显得小巧。虽然Elantra GT仍然是一个小巧的舱门,但其线条和比例却与更大,更豪华的交叉线相似。它也採用了流线形状,如环绕头部和尾灯这清楚地表明了GT是伊兰特家族的一部分。现代伊兰特的内饰并不像成本高的契约,而是将风格与有趣的材料结合在一起。例如,顶篷採用溷合材料,包括火山岩有趣的效果比模煳的纸板或塑料更有吸引力。我们认为好的内饰是伊兰特所提供的价值主张的一部分。它既没有便宜也没有奢华的假象。轿车拥有大量的客流量,我们的6英尺3英寸的测试假人都很合适,即使有天窗,也没有座椅一直回来。前座椅被证明舒适了几个小时,有一个体面的范围的可调性。后座椅也C舒适,中间地板几乎平坦,坐垫稍微高一点。在轿跑车和GT车型上,几乎任何尺寸的驾驶员和前排乘客都会感到舒适,但是陡峭的倾斜车顶线大大减少了车内空间后座。因此,高于5英尺,7英寸的后座乘客很可能会发现他们的头顶摩擦着火山喷射的顶篷。轿车和GT版本提供良好的外部能见度,儘管宽D柱,这是这是新的安全规定的功能。但是,由于其后窗大幅倾斜,轿跑车的后方视野显着降低。所有Elantras的组合仪表和中央堆叠设计都乾淨简单。中央显示屏(带有标准音频系统,以及7英寸带导航的触摸屏)的两个版本都易于阅读,在明亮的阳光下。两个用户界面都是非常直观的,除了一些功能似乎需要更多的步骤,如改变音频系统的EQ。在手动空调的基本型号,我们发现最低的风扇设置有点太多风。我们更喜欢双区域自动气候控制提供更广泛的可调性。伊兰特的所有变种吹嘘内部存储,是充足和方便located.Door口袋是实用的,但不海绵,杯托将携带一切大口饮水器和电子插头并不在旁边等待填充溢出的咖啡或可乐的杯架旁边的那些谁喜欢保持他们的iPod和手机隐藏将像轿跑车的盖子而GT的开放式控制台空间则提供了快速通道。儘管所有Elantras上的许多表面都使用了塑料,但其吸引力和执行力都很强。我们惊喜地发现中央AC通风口是彩色的与周围的装饰相匹配,在更昂贵的汽车上并不总是这种情况。皮质装饰的皮革如此装备有点令人失望,比黄油更类似于乙烯。在一些地区,缝合似乎不断地稍微弯曲在座垫上的某些地方。然而,你很难在其他车上找到真正的牛皮来代替价格。轿车和轿跑车的车厢空间比起Civic或起亚Forte大约高15立方英尺,但是很害羞的雪佛兰科鲁兹和马自达3.The两个车的后备箱开口不是很大,但足够的60/40折叠后座增加容量,虽然他们没有完全平坦的折叠。伊兰特GT的舱口形状允许一个宽敞的23立方 - 树干sp王牌,与最大51立方体与座位折叠下来。这是比福特福克斯和马自达3的五门版本,但短短一个立方英尺短的斯巴鲁翼豹。其稳定性和驾驶动态使现代伊兰特感觉与同类产品完全竞争。所有车型都使用1.8升四缸发动机,在6500转时输出148马力,在4700转时输出131磅 - 英尺的扭矩(这是为了适应普通的ULEV或超低排放在PZEV状态下,它的转速为63马力时为145马力)。与现在大部分车型一样,燃油经济性是重中之重,伊兰特阵容中的车辆没有太多的表现。这款发动机必须加速以获得最大的利益,这是相当高兴和不显眼的做法。峰值功率是在6500转,虽然似乎没有超过6300点提取最大性能。六速手册易于移动,但isn 6速自动装置也是一样的好,根据需要保持齿轮然而,我们发现,在要求苛刻的道路上,变速箱通常以比我们想要的更高的档位,促使我们将换档杆滑动到手动模式以找到足够的推力。对于GT和Coupe车型配备更大的车轮和运动调谐的悬架,我们希望看到添加方向盘安装的换挡拨片。电动辅助转向指向你想要去的车,只需要很少的努力,合理的反馈和U形转弯小于35英尺。在GT车型上,可选择的转向特徵允许驾驶者在普通,舒适和运动之间进行选择。在舒适模式下,转向在较高的速度下感觉较轻但是不会有太大的差别。在运动模式下,转向变得越来越重,而在曲折的道路上行驶英里时,它几乎太重了。就像金发姑娘一样,我们对于任何设置都没有完全满意,并希望有一种在“正常”和“运动”之间的感觉。另外,我们发现它奇怪的是, e运动模式只修改转向感;我们渴望一个真正的运动模式,将转向调整与增强的油门响应和换档模式相结合。所有车型都採用标准刹车系统,并且能够减缓1.8升发动机的运转速度.Brakes觉得但是需要高速公路上的稳定的脚踏板。电子稳定控制系统和防抱死刹车系统都是标准配置,转向助力系统也是标准配置。如果是滑动系统,后者将不会为您提供指导。帮助你走向正确的方向。伊兰特的结构非常坚硬,使车辆感觉牢固,紧凑,无吱声。轿车上的悬挂更多地是为了乘坐舒适性而不是彻头彻尾的速度,但它仍然在曲折的道路上做了值得称道的工作,沿着高速公路滑行。四门在转弯时表现出一定的倾斜度,但仍保持控制,使得驾驶员意识到车辆正在接近极限。伊兰特Coupe和GT採用后V型悬架,而不是在轿车上发现扭力梁。这使得底盘更加坚固,与四门版本相比减少了车身侧倾(倾斜)。两门和五门车型配备了更大的17英寸轮子被调整为更加运动的感觉。虽然它有点坚固,但它也不会让你的牙齿喋喋不休。但是,那些喜欢轻鬆坐骑的人可能希望坚持传统的四门。在另一端对于那些寻找双门跑车的爱好者来说,Genesis Coupe可能会更加撩人,而那些想要功能实用且紧凑的实用车型的人可能会喜欢新款的Veloster Turbo.EPA。Elantra轿车的燃油经济性评级是28 / 38 mpg。在我们的试驾中,车载电脑在不同的交通和地形上表现出最好的40.3 mpg和最差的30.9 mpg。模型的EPA评级为28/38 mpg,手动和27 / 37英里的自动。伊兰特GT的评分为27/37英里每秒e手动和26/37 mpg与自动。现代伊兰特是紧凑类中最好的之一,具有时尚的外观设计,充足的标准内饰功能和出色的燃油经济性。除了运动型轿跑车和宽敞的GT模型,使伊兰特阵容更令人嚮往。新车试驾记者GRWhale,米奇·麦卡洛和劳拉·伯斯坦为这一报导做出了贡献。现代伊兰特轿车GLS(16,695美元);有限三厢车(20,945元); Elantra Coupe GS(17,445美元); Coupe SE($ 19,745);伊兰特GT($ 18,395)。阿拉巴马州蒙哥马利;韩国蔚山地毯地垫($ 95); iPod电缆(35美元)。现代伊兰特GLS。

Coupe and five-door hatch join sedan lineup.One of the best compact cars on the market, the 2013 Hyundai Elantra continues to be a winning combination of compelling styling, able performance and interior comfort.For 2013, there are more variants to love.The 2013 Elantra Coupe two-door and 2013 Elantra GT five-door hatchback join the Elantra sedan four-door.With unique styling cues and driving characteristics, the Elantra Coupe and Elantra GT are positioned as sporty alternatives to the traditional sedan.The Elantra Coupe is fun yet practical, and fits between the Elantra sedan and the more enthusiast-oriented Genesis Coupe.The Elantra GT replaces the old Elantra Touring model.The GT offers versatility and plenty of cargo space with European-inspired features and styling.In addition to differences in dimensions and styling, the new Elantra Coupe and GT use unique suspension components for a stiffer ride.A V-beam rear suspension, instead of the torsion beam found on the sedan, gives the coupe and GT a firmer, more planted feel, and helps to reduce body roll around corners.Suspensions are tuned differently between models with standard 16-inch and optional 17-inch wheels, with the larger wheels receiving an even sportier treatment.The GT also offers three selectable steering modes, which offer heavier or lighter steering feel depending on preference.Meanwhile, trims and pricing have been restructured slightly for the 2013 Hyundai Elantra sedan.Although the base 2013 Elantra GLS model starts at more than $1,000 over the 2012 model, it gets more standard features including air conditioning, a telescoping steering wheel, cruise control, and 16-inch (instead of 15-inch) wheels.On GLS models equipped with the automatic transmission, heated front seats are included with the optional Preferred Package.We found all Elantra variants enjoyable to drive.The sedan's smooth ride and responsive handling make for a plush, but not numb, driving experience.The Coupe and GT models feel more connected to the road, without sacrificing road-trip comfort.Inside, the Elantra sedan is roomy all around, especially by compact standards, with interior measurements comparable to those of a small midsize car.The coupe and GT, however, suffer from a lack of rear headroom due to the steeper rake of their rooflines.All Elantras offer top-of-the-class cargo space.All models are powered by a 1.8-liter four-cylinder engine rated at 148 horsepower and 131 pound-feet of torque with a choice of 6-speed manual or 6-speed automatic transmission.Like most compacts, Elantra is front-wheel drive.Using lighter materials such as aluminum and plastic on engine parts helps to keep the Elantra family relatively lightweight, around 2,700 pound for the Coupe and a bit more for the GT.The sedan weighs in at around 2,900 pounds, w which is good for a compact sedan.These lower curb weights help Elantra achieve solid performance and excellent fuel economy.EPA ratings for all Elantra variants are some of the most competitive in the industry.Sedans are rated at 28/38 mpg City/Highway with both manual and automatic transmissions.That's better than the Ford Focus (26/36 mpg), Chevrolet Cruze (26/36 mpg), or Honda Civic (28/36 mpg).The Elantra Coupe is EPA-rated at 29/40 mpg with the manual and 28/39 mpg City/Highway with the automatic.The Elantra GT gets 27/39 mpg with the manual and 28/39 mpg with the automatic.The Elantra four-door competes in the crowded compact sedan segment against the Toyota Corolla, Ford Focus, Chevrolet Cruze, Honda Civic, and Mazda3 sedans.The Elantra Coupe takes on the Honda Civic coupe and the Kia Forte Koup, along with larger, more expensive two-doors such as the Honda Accord.The five-door Elantra GT goes up against popular hatchbacks such as the Mazda3, Ford Focus and Toyota Matrix, as well as the Subaru Impreza hatch and Volkswagen Golf.The 2013 Hyundai Elantra comes in three body styles: Elantra sedan four-door, Elantra Coupe two-door, and Elantra GT five-door hatchback.All are powered by the same 1.8-liter four-cylinder engine with a choice of 6-speed manual or 6-speed automatic transmission.All seat five.Elantra GLS sedan ($16,695) comes standard with the 6-speed manual transmission, cloth upholstery, six-way manual driver's seat, manually operated air conditioning, cruise control, a tilt-and-telescoping steering wheel, six-speaker audio system with CD player, satellite radio capability and iPod/USB port; 60/40-split folding rear seat, power windows, locks and heated mirrors, tilt steering wheel, keyless entry, anti-theft system, trip computer, and 16-inch steel wheels.The automatic transmission ($1,000) is optional.A Preferred Package ($750) is available on GLS models equipped with the 6-speed automatic transmission that includes heated front seats, cloth inserts on the door trim, steering wheel-mounted audio controls, sliding center armrest, Bluetooth hands-free phone system with voice recognition, additional interior lighting, fog lights and alloy wheels.Elantra Limited sedan ($20,945) comes only with the automatic transmission and includes leather upholstery, heated front and rear seats, leather-wrapped wheel and shift knob, air conditioning, minor cabin upgrades, power sunroof, fog lights, mirror-imbedded turn signals, black chrome grille, and 17-inch alloy wheels.The Limited Technology Package ($2,350) adds pushbutton start, dual automatic climate control, navigation with 7-inch screen, rearview camera, 360-watt premium audio system and automatic headlights.Elantra Coupe GS ($17,445) includes heated front seats, air conditioning, power accessories, a tilt-and-telescoping steering wheel, cruise control, steering-wheel mounted controls, sliding center arm rest, 60/40 split folding rear seats, a 6-speaker audio system with CD player, satellite radio capability, auxiliary jack and an iPod/USB port; fog lights and 16-inch alloy wheels.The automatic transmission is optional ($1,000).Elantra Coupe SE ($19,745) adds leather upholstery, a leather-wrapped steering wheel and shift knob, a one-touch-up driver's window, aluminum pedals, sport-tuned suspension, power sunroof, a hood insulator, side mirrors with integrated turn signals, a rear spoiler and 17-inch alloy wheels.The automatic transmission is optional ($1,000).The Elantra Coupe SE can also be equipped with the Technology Package ($23,095) which includes the automatic transmission and everything found on the SE trim plus dual automatic climate control, navigation with 7-inch screen, upgraded 360-watt audio system, rearview camera and automatic headlights.Elantra GT five-door ($18,395) comes standard with manual gearbox, air conditioning, tilt-and-telescoping steering wheel, heated front seats, cooled glove compartment, power accessories, cruise control, steering-wheel-mounted controls, 60/40 split folding rear seats, Bluetooth handsfree phone connectivity, a 6-speaker audio system with CD player, satellite radio capability, auxiliary jack and iPod/USB port; Hyundai's Blue Link telematics system, front fog lights, rear window wiper, rear spoiler, hood insulator and 16-inch alloy wheels.Elantra GT models equipped with the Style Package ($21,145) get leather upholstery, a leather-wrapped steering wheel and shift knob, a power driver's seat with power lumbar, aluminum pedals, a driver's side auto-up window, panoramic sunroof, sport-tuned suspension, side mirrors with integrated turn signals and 17-inch alloy wheels.The Elantra GT with the Tech Package ($23,495) includes navigation, dual automatic climate control, pushbutton start, a rearview camera and automatic headlights.The automatic transmission is optional ($1,000).Safety features on all models include front, front-side and side-curtain airbags, and electronic stability control with Vehicle Stability Control, antilock brakes, brake assist, and traction control.GT models get a standard driver's knee airbag.The optional rearview camera improves safety by helping the driver spot children and pedestrians when backing up.The Hyundai Elantra sedan looks striking with crisp, edgy styling.It has presence among four-door compact sedans.Most of the rest of the class looks dated by comparison.Viewed from the front, the hexagonal grille presents a more sinister grin than that of the Mazda 3.The headlight housings wrap into the fenders, the trailing edge back as far as the centerline of the front wheels.This is in-your-face styling as far as commuter compacts go.In side view, the four-door echoes the styling of the Hyundai Sonata midsize sedan, with a raked windshield, roofline flowing into the trunk, coupe-like rear side window shape, and a forward-leaning shape.The crease that runs a rising arc from the front wheel, through the door handles and over the rear-wheel openings into the taillights mirrors the shape of the old British-built Triumph TR7 sports cars.From the rear, the Elantra sedan is very similar to the larger Sonata, so much so that in the distance or without anything for scale you have to be well-versed on your Hyundais to tell the difference.The tail lights are long, wavy wraparound fixtures echoing the curves that lead in to the rear bumper and promote airflow to help keep the lights clean; on a dirty road surface the license plate should be the first part shrouded in muck.The Elantra Coupe has a sleeker, wedgier shape, without infringing too much on Genesis Coupe territory.In front, the wide-mouth hexagonal grille is framed by more swept-back headlamps, while the side view reveals more angular A- and C-pillars.Because the coupe is still decently sized, its doors are awfully long, which is most noticeable when getting in and out in tight parking quarters.In back, the integrated spoiler, wraparound taillights and dual chrome exhaust tips accentuate the sportier character.The hatchback Elantra GT design began in California, then was finished off in the studios of Europe, its biggest market.The five-door hatch has a slightly friendlier look, with a large black insert across the signature Hyundai hexagonal grille turned upward into a faint smile.The overall length of the GT is nine inches shorter than the sedan, and also several inches shorter than the Limited model it replaces.But it doesn't by any means look diminutive.Although still a compact hatch, the lines and proportions of the Elantra GT resemble those of larger, more luxurious crossovers.It, too, uses fluid shapes such as wraparound head- and taillights that make it clear the GT is part of the Elantra family.Hyundai Elantra's interior doesn't resemble that of cost-cutter compacts, instead marrying style with interesting materials.For example, the headliner employs a mix of material that includes volcanic rock to an interesting effect more attractive than fuzzy cardboard or plastic.We think the nice interior is part of the value proposition offered by the Elantra.It has neither hint of cheapness nor pretense of luxury.The sedan has a lot of passenger volume, and particularly roomy up front.Both of our 6-foot, 3-inch test dummies fit fine, even with a sunroof, and neither had the seat all the way back.Front seats proved comfortable for hours with a decent range of adjustability.Rear seats are also comfortable, with a center floor that's nearly flat and a well-padded center seat that sits slightly higher.On the coupe and GT models, drivers and front passengers of just about any size will be comfortable, but a steeply raked roofline significantly reduces headroom in the rear.As such, backseat passengers taller than 5 feet, 7 inches will most likely find the tops of their heads rubbing against the volcanic-infused headliner.The sedan and GT versions offer good outward visibility, despite wide D-pillars, which are a function of new safety regulations.However, rear visibility on the coupe is significantly reduced due to its radically sloped rear window. The instrument cluster and center stack design on all Elantras are clean and simple.Both versions of the center display (the one that comes with with the standard audio system, as well as the 7-inch touchscreen with navigation) are easy to read, even in bright sunlight.Both user interfaces are mostly intuitive, save a few functions that seem to take more steps than necessary, such as changing the EQ on the audio system.On base models with the manually operated air conditioning, we found the lowest fan setting a bit too windy.We prefer the wider range of adjustability offered by the dual-zone automatic climate control.All variants of the Elantra boast interior storage that is ample and conveniently located.Door pockets are practical but not cavernous, cupholders will carry everything except Big Gulps, and electronics plugs aren't right next to the cup holders waiting to fill with spilled coffee or cola.Those who prefer to keep their iPods and phones concealed will like the coupe's covered storage area aft of the shifter, while the GT's open console space offers quick access.Although plastic is used on many surfaces on all Elantras, it is mostly attractive and well-executed.We were pleasantly surprised to find the center AC vents were color-matched to the surrounding trim, which not always the case on even more expensive cars.Leather upholstery on models so equipped was a bit disappointing and was more akin to vinyl than butter.In some areas, stitching appeared to buckle ever-so-slightly in certain places on seat cushions.Still, you'd be hard-pressed to find real cowhide on other cars for the price.Trunk space in the sedan and coupe measures nearly 15 cubic feet, more than the Civic or Kia Forte, but shy of the Chevrolet Cruze and Mazda3.The trunk opening on both cars is not huge but sufficient, with 60/40 folding rear seats that increase capacity, although they do not fold completely flat.The Elantra GT's hatch shape gives allows for a roomy 23 cubic-feet of trunk space, with a max 51 cubes with the seats folded down.That's more than the five-door versions of the Ford Focus and Mazda3, but falls just short one cubic foot short of the Subaru Impreza.Its solidity and driving dynamics make the Hyundai Elantra feel fully competitive with anything in its class.All models use a 1.8-liter, four-cylinder engine that makes 148 horsepower at 6500 rpm and 131 pound-feet of torque at 4700 rpm.(That's for the regular ULEV, or Ultra Low Emissions Vehicle.It's 145 hp at 6300 rpm in PZEV states).Like most cars these days that make fuel economy a top priority, the vehicles in the Elantra lineup don't have a lot of oomph right off the line.This engine must be revved to get the most out of it, and it's fairly happy and unobtrusive doing so.Peak power is at 6500 rpm, though there seemed no point in going beyond 6300 to extract maximum performance.The 6-speed manual is easy to shift, yet isn't too slushy.The 6-speed automatic is just as good, holding gears as needed in most driving applications.However, we found that on demanding uphill roads, the transmission often settled on a higher gear than we'd like, prompting us to slide the shifter over to manual mode to find sufficient thrust.For the GT and Coupe models equipped with the larger wheels and sport-tuned suspension, we'd like to see the addition of steering-wheel-mounted paddle shifters.Electric-assist steering points the car where you want to go with minimal effort, reasonable feedback and U-turns in less than 35 feet.On GT models, a selectable steering feature allows drivers to choose between Normal, Comfort and Sport.In Comfort mode, the steering feels lighter at higher speeds but doesn't feel much different otherwise.In Sport mode, steering becomes more weighty, and almost too heavy when logging miles on twisty roads.Like Goldilocks, we weren't fully satisfied with any of the settings, and wished for a feel that was somewhere in between Normal and Sport.In addition, we found it odd that the Sport mode modified steering feel only; we longed for a true sport mode that combined steering adjustments with enhanced throttle response and shift patterns.Disc brakes all the way around come standard on all models and are more than capable of slowing down anything the 1.8-liter engine gets going.Brakes feel a bit grabby at slow speeds, but require a firm, planted foot from highway velocities.Electronic stability control and antilock brakes are standard across the board, as is steering assist.The latter won't steer for you in case of a slide, but will help you steer in the correct direction.The Elantra's structure is very stiff so the car feels solid, tight and squeak free.Suspension on the sedan is tuned more for ride comfort than outright speed, but it still does a commendable job on twisty roads and glides down the highway.The four door exhibits some body lean in hard cornering, but it remains controlled and makes the driver aware the car is working near its limits.The Elantra Coupe and GT use a rear V-beam suspension, as opposed to the torsion beam setup found on the sedan.This makes for a stiffer chassis and reduces body roll (lean) around corners compared to the four-door version.Two-and five-door models equipped with the larger, 17-inch wheels are tuned for an even sportier feel.Although it's a little firm, it won't make your teeth chatter, either.Still, those who like a cushy ride might wish to stick with the traditional four-door.On the other end of the spectrum, enthusiasts looking for a two-door sports car might be more titillated by the Genesis Coupe, while those who want a utilitarian compact that's both practical and peppy might like the new Veloster Turbo.EPA fuel economy ratings on the Elantra sedan are 28/38 mpg with both transmissions.During our test drive, the onboard computer showed a best of 40.3 mpg and a worst of 30.9 mpg in various traffic and terrain.Coupe models are EPA-rated at 28/38 mpg with the manual and 27/37 mpg with the automatic.The Elantra GT is rated 27/37 mpg with the manual and 26/37 mpg with the automatic.The Hyundai Elantra is among the best in the compact class with stylish exterior design, plenty of standard interior features and excellent fuel economy.The addition of a sporty coupe and a roomy GT model make the Elantra lineup even more desirable.New Car Test Drive correspondents G.R.Whale, Mitch McCullough and Laura Burstein contributed to this report.Hyundai Elantra sedan GLS ($16,695); Limited sedan ($20,945); Elantra Coupe GS ($17,445); Coupe SE ($19,745); Elantra GT ($18,395).Montgomery, Alabama; Ulsan, Korea.carpeted floor mats ($95); iPod cable ($35).Hyundai Elantra GLS.


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